We have now added a new option in the ongoing fight against unwanted spam. As of early this morning, all RackCorp mail servers in Australia, US, and Canada have been updated to RackCorpMailServices-1.14. In doing do, we have now included a new option in our online portal to help manage spam.
You can find the option here when managing accounts (and similarly for managing aliases):

With this option, you can now effectively defer ALL inbound email that matches the realtime blacklists. Up until now, you only were able to greylist (defer for 10 minutes) any inbound email matching these blacklists. By permanently deferring the email, you ensure that you do NOT receive any email that is coming from a blacklisted source, AND that the sender will eventually receive notification that you did not receive that email (explaining that it is because they are blacklisted).
It’s not all good though – the downside to doing this is that if someone IS blacklisted and is sending you something urgent, then they might not find out about it for several days. Exactly how long until they do find out varies between 4 hours and 10 days, and is dependent on the sender’s ISP / mail infrastructure (not ours!).
When do we recommend using this option? If you’re receiving so much spam that you’re finding it hard to do business, then activate this option – it’ll help a lot.
Hey Everyone,
Welcome to our new RackCorp branding, and just as importantly, our new RackCorp blog!
For anybody who is new to the history of RackCorp, I might just give you a quick history as to how RackCorp came to be. RackCorp is both owned and operated by Network Synergy Corporation Pty. Ltd, an Australian company that has been around since 2003 in it’s present form, and has a history dating back to 1996 in terms of acquired staff, customers, services, equipment, contracts, and most importantly – experience!
Network Synergy Corporation (NSCorp) has never been a one size fits all company, nor have we ever been a follower in terms of technology. After acquiring 2 web services companies at the end of 2007, we found ourselves maintaining 9 websites, and 18 service portals either on behalf of our own services or services that we had acquired over the years. The maintennance for this many platforms (many of which were acquired in states of high-maintennance) was so high that innovation had been at an all time low throughout 2007. We sat down with management in January this year and made a big decision to invest heavily into combining all of our service portals into one – and if you haven’t already worked it out, this is where RackCorp.com came from!
In later blogs I hope to show off some of the great technology that we’ve built in-house over the years, and hopefully I’ll finally be able to stop leaving customers bemused by always saying “Yeah we can do that, in fact we could have set you up on that years ago”. In doing so I really do hope that our customers can finally get that little something more out of RackCorp that wasn’t available before.
So that’s it for our first blog. A bit of a tease I know, but we’ll keep new blogs coming quick and fast over the coming weeks. There really is months of tech stuff to show off and talk about here at RackCorp, so do check back with our blog regularly as I’m sure there will be plenty of things to interest everybody!

– RackCorp